
Hello! My name is John Cox.

I am a Buddhist Monk learning under WIsdom Master Maticintin. The spiritual practices are the most important because with them, nothing else falls in line. It is our connection to life and all living things that is the most important. Without spiritual practice, we live in the dual world, that is to say, we are split and separate from the whole, and that’s not where anyone wants to be.

I have been training in the martial arts since 1978. I began my training in the summer of 1978 in Detroit at the old 7-mile dojo ran by Richard Gibki. I was there for 4 years, then began training under Grandmaster Willie Adams in the summer of 1982 and I have been with him ever since.

During my time, I have been very fortunate to meet a great many masters and learn a great many things. It has literally taken me a lifetime to gather the knowledge that I have, and I’ve had to go to great lengths to get it.

Some of my teachers have passed on. It is my wish to pass on as much knowledge and training as possible. I am holding nothing back. I’m putting on video as much as possible with the hope of passing on as much as possible.

Grandmaster Donald Bohan taught me a very particular form of iron palm of which he was a master. He passed on and I continued my training, learning from Grandmaster James Lacey, from whom I learned how to break coconuts.

As I say, it is my sincere home to bring some of this knowledge forward and pass it on. It has taken me a lifetime to accumulate the knowledge and skills I have, and I know I have a great deal more to learn. The journey is always ongoing. It is my hope to pass on as much as I can to anyone who wants to learn. To that end, I am totally committed to helping anyone and everyone out who truly wants to learn.

This is a partial list of of my Teachers and from those whom I have learned. The Wisdom Master is my Spiritual Teacher and Grandmaster Willie Adams is my martial arts teacher.

Make no mistake about it. The videos and what I teach on this website is martial arts. But since I am learning spirituality, many of the principles and practices come out naturally in the teachings and the instruction given.

Wisdom Master Maticintin

Richard Langlois, Roshi

Grandmaster Willie Adams

Grandmaster Donald Bohan

Grandmaster James Lacey

Grandmaster Eugene Woods

Master Michael Schaefer

Master Kenneth Parker

Sensei Richard Gibiki

Sensei Larry Chadwell