Reading List

Secrets of the Golden Spiral by WIsdom Master Maticintin — If you want to know – TRULY know – the secrets of the universe, this is the book you should read.

Zen in the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams — This is an excellent book about the philosophical side of martial arts told with practical everyday stories. It’s an excellent book to read that gives you a great deal of food for thought.

The Chronicles of Tao by Deng Ming-Dao — The life story of a Taoist Monk. Interesting story of what it was like to grow up as a Taoist monk in China learning martial arts, meditation, chi kung and more.

The Diamond Sutra and the Sutra of Hui-neng by Wong Mau-Lam — In order to truly understand iron palm, one must come to know what emptiness is. The Diamond Sutra is an excellent source book lending great insight and inspiration.

The Heart Sutra — The Heart Sutra is very simple, and yet very profound. There are many books on the Heart Sutra, so just pick one that appeals to you and check it out. The Heart Sutra lends great inspiration into understanding the mysteries of the universe and the source of all things.

The Ultimate Athlete by George Leonard — Very few books talk about the mind and its application to everyday physical activity and sports. This books does exactly that, and more.

The Way and the Power by Frederick Lovret — A book on Japanese strategy for both the business and martial art world. Strategy and tactics are what separate the skilled from the unskilled and those who rely on blind luck.

Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia — An excellent source book on iron shirt with detailed knowledge of anatomy.

Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee — What reading list is complete without at least one book by Bruce Lee? This book discusses fighting principles and practices in a very practical way that is sure to better your practice.

Eternal Chi by John Cox — This is a “how to” book that teaches 32 different meditations developed by the Shaolin monks and nuns to greatly enhance chi and the vital life-force energies.

Awakening Healing Energy through the Tao by Mantak Chia — How To book that teaches healing meditation. This book gives detailed information that includes learning the anatomy of what’s going on with Taoist meditation.

The Classical Man by Richard Kim — Richard Kim’s books lend a great deal of inspiration and insight into karate and why we train. Well worth reading.

The Weaponless Warriors by Richard Kim — An excellent collection of stories by Richard Kim.

The I Ching — The book of changes. It has been said that the I Ching is probably the greatest work to come out of China. Well worth reading and understanding. There are many different books on the subject, just pick one that appeals to you.

Tao Te Ching — A book that lends insight into emptiness and the unseen forces of the universe.

Dojo: The Hard Way, the Only Way by Norbert Donnelly — This is the true story of what Isshinryu Karate was like in Detroit in the mid-60’s and early 70’s. Fast paced and hard hitting.

Ramtha Intensive: Soulmates by Ramtha — This book is a bit of a departure from the other books but is nonetheless well worth reading. Lends insight into our true origins, who we truly are, and our potential.

Shotokan’s Secret by Bruce Clayton — This book is a little bit controversial. I would recommend it only for more advanced students of the martial arts and not those just starting out in the martial arts. The reason I would do that is because it’s better to have a good grasp on martial art history and the masters before reading this book. This book can be a bit cynical towards some of the masters, so I believe it’s better to read what’s out there first before diving into this book.

Tai Chi Chuan for Health and Self-Defense by T.T. Liang — Good book on principles and practices of internal martial arts.

The Intrinsic Energies of Tai Chi Chuan by Stuart Alve Olson — A highly advanced book about internal martial arts. I would only recommend this book for more advanced students.

The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman — This book is a classic all on its own. The story of a young man who learns Zen from an old man who works at a gas station. Very insightful and inspiring. Well worth reading.

The Essence of Shaolin White Crane: Martial Power and Qiqong by Yang Jwing-Ming — Great book about the internal side of martial arts.

Kung Fu: History, Philosophy and Technique by David Chow — Great book about Kung Fu, it’s history, origins and philosophy. David Chow was an adviser on the TV series “Kung Fu.”

The Secret of Inner-Strength: My Story by Chuck Norris — The autobiography of Chuck Norris as told in his own words. Insightful, interesting read that motivates and inspires.

Backbone: History, Traditions and Leadership Lessons of Marine Corps NCO’s by Julia Dye — Being a martial artist means being a leader, and who better to learn from than the USMC.

Steal My Art: The Life and TImes of Tai Chi Master T.T. Liang by Stuart Alve Olson — This is the story of Master T.T. Liang’s life. A good book worth reading.

The Seven Taoist Masters by Eva Wong — Interesting book about 6 men and 1 woman who go through many trials and tribulations to become masters of their own lives. An excellent story that is sure to inspire any reader.

Shaman of Tibet: From Anger to Enlightenment — This is the true life story of one of Tibet’s greatest saints who undergoes great trials and tribulations in search of enlightenment. He eventually earns his enlightenment, but the path is fraught with great challenges. An incredibly inspiring story that teaches as much as it inspires. Well worth reading.