Iron Palm Training Curriculum

Note: No actual belts are awarded, but we use a “belt system” to indicate the different levels and allow users to track their own progress.

Beginner Level Iron Palm.



YELLOW BELT and ORANGE BELT are our introductory beginner level iron palm courses.

This is where it all begins! The first step on your iron palm journey is to learn how to make dit dat jow – the all-important hand liniment essential to iron palm training. Next, you’ll learn how to properly and safely condition your hands.

You will also learn the fundamentals of martial art meditation – sitting meditation, standing meditation and moving meditation. Our meditation practices derive from the Shaolin Temple and were developed by the monks and nuns in order to teach new students how to tap into chi, the life force of the universe.

You’re going to learn a basic iron shirt exercises to help strengthen your mind and body.

Beginner level iron palm trains you in how to safely and effectively break boards. The final step at this level is making your first break. You’ll break a single board, and then advance to breaking 2-boards.

Intermediate Iron Palm.



BLUE BELTand GREEN BELT are our intermediate level iron palm courses. Here you’ll learn additional meditation techniques and practices, along with strengthening exercises and additional hand conditioning training.

You’ll also learn the Heavenly Thunder Palms solo and 2-person fighting form. The culmination of this training is the ability to be able to effectively break a cement brick.

Advanced Level Iron Palm.



BROWN BELT and BLACK BELT are our advanced level courses. You will learn additional strengthening exercises along with highly advanced standing-moving meditations. There are 9 of these meditations and they will be used to build and refine your chi to a much higher level.

There is a 4-month hand conditioning procedure one go through. The high point of all this training is one learns how to break coconuts. The advanced level of iron palm involves breaking multiple cement bricks without spacers and breaking coconuts.

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